Sunday 20 March 2011

4 Week Weight Loss Challenge!

I havent done a weight loss post in ages, its about time I did! Was going to post this in video form but I have to get up at 6am so I don't have time. Most of you know (I blab on about it enough) that I lost around 2 and a half stone last year, but my weight recently has come to a complete plateau. I'm sick of feeling chubby and feelings sorry for myself so I thought I better do something about it! The best way to break a weight loss plateau is to shake things up! 

The Challenge is to lose 8lbs in 4 weeks, starting from tomorrow, monday morning. 

Each week I'm going to set myself three mini goals to help towards my weight loss. This week they are: 

Go running at least once
Avoid Coffee ALL week
Try one new healthy recipe and blog about it

At the end of each week I'll make a Vlog telling you how much weight I've lost and how that week has been. If you want to see these just go subscribe to my youtube channel

For anyone who wants to join me in my weight loss journey you can comment on any video or post, or just tweet me and let me know how you are doing... obviously blog posts and videos would be amazing!

I'm going to do a post tomorrow(while in college, teehee) my fitness plan for the month. I want to get as much cardio in as possible (without injuring myself) as add a lot of strength training to my routine so tone up for the bikini season. 

As for my diet as always I'm going to stick to around 1200-1500 calories but I'm going to try and experiment with foods and eat more vegetables. I'm going back to drinking 3 bottles of water a day as I have been slacking recently, and I'm going to try and drink more green tea. Let me know if you want any posts about my diet!

Good Luck,


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