Sunday 9 January 2011

Bloggers & Body Image No.4

Name: Morven 
Age: 23
Location: Edinburgh
Height: 5 ft 4
Dress Size:

How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning? 
Including a shower? About half and hour for a normal day. If I'm doing something nice maybe about 40 minutes. I'm rubbish at eyeliner you see. It takes me ages to get it right. 

Do you ever leave the house without makeup?
Yep all the time! For example today I have my glasses on and no makeup. I look crap.  

Describe your personal style in four words?
Colourful, indecisive, unpractical and ugly, I really can't think of anything sensible for that.
Who are your style/fashion icons?
Right now I love Edie Campbell. I also love Alexa Chung, Erin Wasson and Janis Joplin.

If you're going out for the evening and you dont look your best, how does this effect your mood?
It puts me in a bit of a rage before I go out, but once I'm out having fun with my friends I completely forget about it. UNTIL I SEE THE PICTURES ON FACEBOOK then obviously I die.

Haha I'm exactly the same! I think when people read blogs like yours, they look up to you and assume you always look perfect and you don't have the same confidence issues as other girls. What would you say to girls who feel 'less attractive' in comparison to you?
I think they just have to remember that every girl, including me is fundamentally the same. We ALL obsess over parts of our physical appearance and torture ourselves over it. Nobody is perfect, and anyone who thinks they are aren't really worth knowing, or looking up to! As for the blog aspect of it, all I can say to that is remember that bloggers only share the pictures, thoughts or emotions that they feel are good! Remember there are a thousand bad pictures, bad days etc behind a blog post and nobody should ever feel less attractive than anyone. I, like every other girl out there are envious of qualities that I myself do not have. I think blogs should make people feel better, not worse about themselves.

Totally agree, I see bloggers that are so gorgeous, but instead of letting it get me down I just try to take inspiration from them and make it work for me.
Yeah totally I dont think ANYONE actually likes their physical appearance. I really, really love clothesif I could take pictures of someone else in them I would. Thats actually something that makes me worriedthat my blog is vain or something. I only really wanted to be creative with clothes, it doesnt mean I particularly like the way I look in them. My ultimate job would be to dress others, not myself.
What's your diet & fitness routine like?
I don't have either I'm afraid. I don't really snack that's about it. Three meals a day, thats the extent of it.

Do you eat a lot of junk food? Are you vegetarian? 
don't eat alot of junk food. I was brought up on fish, so I eat alot of that. I do eat junk food sometimes though and I'm not vegetarian, but my ideal diet would be only fish. I would eat fish everyday if I could.

Do you ever exercise?
Not really, no. I'm going to join the gym though, to be healthy, rather than to loose weight and also so I can run away from someone if they chase me.

What do you like best about your appearance? 
I quite like my lips, I like my mouth and my teeth.

And if you could change anything about the way you look what would it be?
I have really dark circles under my eyes and my skin can be problematic, so I would definitely change either one of those!
Who are the three most beautiful female celebrities in your opinion?
Keira Knightley, Katy Perry and Audrey Tautou

Good taste :) Which celebrities do you think make the worst role models for young women?
Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Cheryl Cole. Lohan becauses she uses drugs consistantly. Hilton because she is parasitical by nature, she exists because of a name and has done nothing of her own accord. Cheryl Cole because she managed to somehow use her looks to deflect the fact that she was charged with racial assault and is essentially talentless. I dont really think any of them deserve to be in the public eye especially since young women are so impressionable.

How do you feel about plastic surgery?
Each to their own! Honestly, I think if it makes you feel better and if it's for the right reasons (rather than purely out of body dysmorphia) then great, go for it. Obviously it should be treated with care, and it is not a decision to be taken lightly.

What do you think of adverts that are overly airbrushed/digitally edited? For example the mascara advert with 'lash inserts'
Hmm I think it's essentially wrong to give consumers false expectations. On the other hand I think it's all part of advertising and there isn't really much we can do about other than make prudent decisions when we choose to purchase something.

Thanks for taking part hun :)
No worries, thanks for asking me lovely.

Hope you enjoyed this post, thank you to Morven for taking part! Click here to see the previous edition with the lovely Annabella. Next up is Emma from milkteef.

Lots of Love,

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