Wednesday 10 October 2012

Stacey Dash Does Interview With Piers Morgan About Racial Backlash For Endorsing Mitt Romney Over Barack Obama (Video)

African-American actress Stacey Dash made an appearance on the Piers Morgan show to talk about the Twitter backlash that ensued when she openly endorsed white-American candidate, Mitt Romney, over African-American, Barack Obama. Dash was called terrible names online, subjected to racial insults and told to kill herself, which is wrong. 

Stacey Dash

Dash stated Mitt Romney's running mate, Paul Ryan, reached out to her to thank her for her support. President Obama hasn't said squat to some of his supporters engaging in cyber threats, intimidation, harassment and bullying, allowing Dash to be savaged and threatened. Yesterday, President Obama issued a dangerous quote stating for him to win the election his supporters must get "obsessive." Encouraging fanaticism is dangerous. It propagates the kind of hate Dash and others have been met with for daring to question the economic and political choices of Obama. 

Barack Obama

I've never understood how some can become fanatical about a public figure to the point they threaten, abuse and sometimes physically attack others. Keep things in perspective. You don't know these public figures personally to get so upset and even if you did, engaging in harassment, threats, bullying and assaults is unlawful. Who do you think you are to do that. There is no excuse for this incivility. The Bible labels such idolatry an offense to God. 

Mitt Romney

Recently, a story came out of Florida about a man that struck his wife for supporting Romney, rather than Obama. He was arrested for this misconduct and made excuses when approached by newsmen. No one should be placing any politician or celebrity above their own family and friends. You know your family and friends. Most of the public do not personally know politicians and celebrities. 

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan

To get mad, curse at or hit family members and or friends over someone you don't even know is wrong. Get a hold of yourself. Some of you would be surprise to learn that some, not all, of your favorite public figures aren't as nice or honest as they claim to be. Stop putting them ahead of your family and friends. Let people vote for their favorite candidates in peace, without being bullied or attacked.



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