Wednesday 17 October 2012

Barack Obama And Mitt Romney Run On Their Records But In The Second Debate Who Came Out On Top

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney

The second 2012 U.S. presidential debate was more acrimonious than the first. President Barack Obama was heavily criticized for his poor performance at the first debate, which many stated his rival Mitt Romney won. To compensate for that, Obama became aggressive during the second debate, in a manner that at times came across as rude.

Obama kept attacking Mitt Romney's wealth from his many years as a businessman, when the president himself is a millionaire several times over and could make over $100,000,000 after his presidency expired, as Bill Clinton did. Why condemn success. What kind of message is that to send to the public - aspire to work hard and have nothing to show for it? 

Obama also slammed Romney for his investments in China. However, Romney reminded Obama that items in his pension are derived from Chinese investments as well. Obama was more inclined to dispute, not disprove, Romney's claims, which was an improvement over standing there and being steamrolled by his poor track record in office, but it was not enough to counter the facts and figures presented against the president by his opponent.

From the time Obama assumed office, the Judiciary Report warned of the important role the economy would play in making or breaking his presidency and offered positive suggestions on how to accomplish a proper recovery with true job growth. Obama did not do what was suggested and America has been paying for that. 

During last night's debate, Obama stated he is not interested in creating average paying jobs, but the high paying posts. This once again highlights the massive error why he has failed to fix the severely damaged U.S. economy. The way America is structured, everyone will not have a high paying job. Society needs people of all backgrounds working at various pay rates. 

America cannot afford to give every person a high paying job. However, many can put food on the table and pay their bills with average paying jobs, until they can get something better, through pay raises or higher education. There is no time in U.S. history that everyone in America had a high paying job. 

Obama wasted a fortune in taxpayer stimulus money trying to archive this unlikely goal, where $200,000 was spent to create each job, when one could employ over a dozen people with that figure. Remember, the more people working, the better. To have a few receiving high paying jobs thanks to the stimulus, while many who could be employed are not, is elitism.  

For Obama to run on his track record of high unemployment, foreclosures, business closures, gas prices and soaring deficits, is a terrible reference and voters will have to decide if they want four more years of said horrible results. Romney, like America's most successful financial president, Bill Clinton is running on his track record as a former governor of a U.S. state, where he was able to balance the budget and create jobs. 

Romney has the better track record and once again displayed a greater understanding of business and economics, America's most pressing concern according to polls, than President Obama. Therefore, one is either voting for or against the economy on November 6, 2012, dependent on one's choice for president. 


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