Wednesday 10 October 2012

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Childhood Pictures
George W Bush Childhood Pictures, George W Bush Childhood Photos, George W Bush Teen Age Pictures, Young Pictures Of George W Bush, George W Bush Pictures.
George W.Bush who was the President of United State of America Elected in 20th January 2001 and re-elected on 2 November 2004 . Bush is the 43 President of U.S and he served 6 years as the Governor of Texas State where he was Famous and gradually got popularity day by day by his personal responsibility  and family back ground.
President Bush was born in 6th July 1946 New Haven and spent his Childhood in Midland and Houston, Texas. He complete his graduation in history from Yale University in 1968 joined Air force as an F-102 pilot in Texas Air National Guard, after he complete his post Graduation degree M.B.A from Harvard Business school in 1975. After he moved back and start energy Business.Mr. Bush got married to Laura Welch who was a teacher and Librarian and after Marriage they have twin Daughters named Barbara and Jenna.After successful effert by his father's Presidential Campaign in 1988,he assembled the partner who purchased the Texas Rangers Baseball franchise in 1989. President bush was nominated in 8 November 1994 as Government of Texas and spent six years successfully, also he became the first Governor of Texas in history who elected 4 time consecutively.
Before to be going a President in 2001 Bush was working with Congress to built an ownership society and was making a plane to make America's secure future, so he signed into law tax relief project to those who worked hard and aren't able to pay taxes as citizens of America. he served his best service to make america more capable and to make more power full in this world and wanted to grown up his country as a number one super power all around the world.
After his charge of American President he faced and terrible issue on 11 September 2001, terrorist attacked on world Trade Center and Pentagon where many people killed and injured, After this disaster Mr. Bush blamed this terrorism of Afghanistan to Invole moment of tahreek Taliban and finally attack on Afghanistan to find out the Leader of Taliban Usama Bin ladin who was Dangerous to the world.  

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Childhood Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Teen Age Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Family Pictures

George W Bush Family Pictures

George W Bush Young Pictures

George W Bush Pictures

George W Bush Pictures

George W Bush Pictures

George W Bush Pictures

George W Bush Pictures

George W Bush Pictures

George W Bush Pictures

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