Monday 28 November 2011

How To Build Muscle Without Looking Huge And Bulky - Best Guidelines To Build Muscle To Look Attractive

It is no doubt, there are many guys who want to build muscle but don't want to become too huge or bulky. This aim is especially necessary when your main goal for building muscle is to enhance the appearance of your body and be a little stronger, and not to look like a professional bodybuilder with huge and bloated muscles all over your body.

Surely, a bloated overly muscular physique must be avoided if you want to wear normal clothes, be effective in sports and look appealing to the ladies. The following guidelines taken from Rusty Moore creator of Visual Impact Muscle Building will help you learn how to avoid becoming huge and bulky when building muscle, and instead get the lean and angular look like movie stars and fitness models.

Gaining Muscle Where You Want It Is Very Important

According to Rusty Moore, if you are in the gym and your only concern is to quickly gain lots of muscle mass by focusing only on the standard way of lifting for building muscle this may contribute to the problem. What is likely to happen is that most of these attained muscle will end up on your legs, butt and hips, and the rest evenly distributed over the rest of your body. Muscles gained in this way will most likely create a bulky and terrible looking physique. So even if you are very good at gaining pure muscle quickly , if it appears in the wrong places on your body it will not look very impressive.

You Can't Control What You Look Like By Just Sticking To The Basics

Rusty also stated the common advice of just sticking to the big lifts like deadlifts, squats, and bench press is great if you just want to add mass and don't care what you wind up looking like. This approach is the quickest way to putting on lots of muscle mass. However, the problem lies in the fact that the appearance of your physique is left up to chance and lots of guys who follow this approach end up looking like a professional bodybuilder with big butt, upper legs and hips.

Here is a video taken from Rusty Moore's presentation on the Visual Impact Muscle Building official site explaining this.

Increasing The Size Of The Right Muscle Groups Is The Way To Create The Desired Look

The approach of targeting the muscles that you need to grow and backing down on everything else will give you the impressive look writes Rusty. Adding the right amount of mass for your shoulders, arms and chest can transform the way you look without making you look overly muscular or unbalanced. If you want a bigger chest with a special focus on increasing your upper chest, then dramatically increase the volume on various incline presses, incline flyes, hammer strength machines, etc. To compensate for that increase in volume specifically for your chest, back off a bit when it comes to some of your other body parts. 15-20 sets per workout for muscle groups you are trying to add size to is recommended for getting the right amount of mass.

It's also a great idea to setup your workouts so that the targeted muscle group gets worked more often than the other muscle groups. You can also get impressive results by using a combination of free weights, cables, and machines when aiming for muscle growth.

Recommended Time Period For Working On A Specific Body Part

It is recommended to specialize for 2-3 months on a body part, then have a more balanced routine for 1-2 months (as a precaution to ensure that you don't neglect the other muscles). The idea is to systematically build an ideal physique by giving selective attention to body parts that need extra work.

Bulking Up With Calories Just Puts More Excess Fat On Your Body

Rusty also strongly advice avoiding bulking up when eating to build muscle. Though you need to eat sufficient calories to gain muscle you should not consume more food than you need. Excessive consumption of calories will give you more body fat to deal with. And, body fat is very hard to lose even though they're easy to gain. Lots of guys who bulk up gets stuck with too much fat stored on their body making their physique look bloated and bulky.

The above is just general info to guide you to gain a lean and angular physique that looks attractive instead of the huge rounded bodybuilder type look when building muscle. For a complete program that covers building muscle while staying lean and ripped through the entire process you should check out Visual Impact Muscle Building. This is a top rated muscle building guide created by Rusty Moore, a guy who is dedicated to helping people get the 'Lean Hollywood Look'.

Build Muscle The Right Way. Avoid Look Bulky. Check Out Visual Impact Muscle Building NOW by clicking here Don't Wait.

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