Tuesday 2 October 2012

Day 3: Back to back Challenge

Makeup Challenge- DAY 3
Favorite Makeup Brand

My favorite high end makeup brand would have to be CINEMA SECRETS! :) 
click on the link to visit their official website! or click here for their Facebook page!

For my favorite drugstore brand it would have to be Maybelline! :)
click on the link to visit their official website! or click here for their Facebook page!

How about you girls? what are your favorite brands?

30 Day Challenge- DAY 3
A photo taken over 10 years ago of you

Since I am already 28 years old as of Sept 11, 10 years ago would have to be my debut... 
Ohh my, am I that old already?!? hahaha Anyway, here is a picture of me exactly 10 years ago 
beside my most recent picture. 

Hmm... Did I change at all? What do you think ladies?
Do you have a picture of yourself 10 years ago? Share them with us! :)

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